Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisor AJ Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Tamara Miritello, Don Eddy, Dave Baker, Don Schirmer, Deloris Schirmer, Ron Mosser and Ed Proffit. Absent were Supervisor Jason Fornengo and Treasurer Mandy Fornengo.
Don Schirmer asked why the township does not record roads. Chair Fornengo explained the various ways in which roads have been recorded in the past. Mr. Schirmer also said that the June Minutes did reflect that his mother’s land should not be taken. Mr. Schirmer read sections of both the hearings of Red Maple Lane Cartway Hearing and Creekview Lane Hearing whereby the township became the road authority. He then listed several reasons why he still thought that Squib Creek Drive should be extended for another one-half mile. He said it would benefit the township. Chair Fornengo said that he would respond under Old business- #1.
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the Agenda. Carried. (2-0)
Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of June 12, 2019. Carried (2-0).
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Treasurer’s Report as prepared by Treasurer Mandy Fornengo.
General Fund- $(630.80)
Road & Bridge – $13,545.27
Fire Protection- $13,428.02
Cemetery/Landscaping- $1,399.58
Fire Hall- $125.45
Driveways- $5,708.03
Savings- $1,163.96
CD- $19,314.79
TOTAL- $34,739.51
Receipts – June- 2019
Jeffery Lingren Land Use Permit $25.00
MAT Refund due to Endorsement $68.00
Jason & Stephanie Marsh Land Use Permit $25.00
Northview Bank Interest-Checking $4.41
Northview Bank Interest-Savings $0.29
Motion by Dave Fornengo, Second by AJ Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried (2-0)
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and Net Payroll for approval.
#7054 AT&T Internet/Telephone $96.91
#7055 Frances Levings Mileage – 1 Trip $56.10
#7056 Pine County Auditor Assessing Fee 2019 $807.00
#7057 Robin Fornengo Town Hall Supplies $12.87
#7058 Edward Proffit Road Work – Pit Run $3,080.00
#7059 Town Of Wilma Heller Road work $112.50
#7060 David Fornengo Lease/gas – Lawn mowing $150.00
#7061 Jason Fornengo Lease/gas – Lawn mowing $150.00
#7062 Tamara Miritello Mileage – 1 Trip $56.10
#7063 United States Treasury 2nd Qrt Payroll Taxes 2019 $924.50
#7064 Office Max Office Supplies $124.85
#8002 Adam Fornengo $200.00 #8001 AJ Fornengo $100.00
#8000 Dave Fornengo $125.00 #7999 Jason Fornengo $100.00
#7998 Julia Fornengo $112.50 #7997 Mandy Fornengo $120.00
#7996 Fran Levings $465.00 #7995 Tamara Miritello $160.00
#7665 Doug Wiita $725.00
Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to pay these bills. (Carried 2-0).
- Federated Co-op did their annual propane safety check on both the town hall and fire all. All is in compliance.
- Old Remington typewriter was donated to the Pine County History Museum. New Dosey Township has a wonderful display. It’s a must see! Room 102 – Admission $5.00
- Planner Commissioner Don Schirmer stated the draft Pine County Land Use Ordinance is still being worked on.
- Squib Creek Drive Turn-Around Compromise: Dave Fornengo reported that he had done a lot of research. He had a lengthy conversation, with Steve Fenske, MAT Attorney. In 1976, the MN Supreme Court ruled all road orders must be recorded with the county recorder. Then the rule was changed to say the roads should be recorded with the Pine County Auditor. Regarding the Squib Creek extension, Chair Fornengo reiterated that the township does not have a legal obligation to extend this road. He explained that Red Maple Lane became a road, under “Dedication by Owner”. Township road authority over Creekview Lane was established because the residents wanted better maintenance and access and also the township need access to its property at the end of Creekview Lane. Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo to rescind the motion of the June 12th meeting which stated that the township would try to work out a compromise regarding the turn- around. Carried (2-0). Explaining his reason for rescinding the motion, Chair Fornengo again read verbatim the six year statute regarding the turn-around. Since the township has maintained this roadway for more than six years, it is deemed to be a public roadway. Deloris Schirmer said she bought her property and had it recorded in June, 1977. She further stated that the township had violated the law without her permission. Don Schirmer again proposed that the township put in a two rod road extending Squib Creek Drive. Chair Fornengo quoted the 25- year rule and the Marketable Title Act, which state that if a road has not been maintained for 40 years, it is “deemed abandoned”. Chair Fornengo said he needed further consultation with the MAT attorney. The topic was tabled until the August regular meeting.
- Sell parcel to Jason Canesi: Chair Fornengo is still working on this.
- Board of Review Transfer Agreement: Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo, to sign this agreement, which states that beginning in 2020 the Board of Review will be conducted by Pine County. Carried (2-0).
- NPAHD REPORT: (1) The hospital district approved a grant for $28,000 to help finance a Mental Health Therapist at the Gateway Clinic in Sandstone. (2) Grants are now available for first responders. (3) Levings attended the MN Rural Health Conference. (4) 58 persons used the new infusion center at Essentia in May.
- Petition- Cartway- Don Eddy and Jason Chelberg: Cartway Petition presented by Don Eddy and Jason Chelberg was approved and accepted. A public hearing was set for August 7th, 2019 at 6PM. Motion by AJ Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to pass a Resolutio accepting a $2,000 bond payment.
- 2020 Assessment Contract: Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by AJ Fornengo to accept Bob Brewster’s assessing contract for 2020. Carried (2-0).
- MAT Short Course Report: Deputy Clerk Tamara Miritello reported that she and Clerk Levings attended sessions on budget, insurance, the CTAS chart of accounts and were given a gravel road spreadsheet.
Anything else to come before the board? (1) Ron Mosser said the Matt Lourey Road was used by loggers who has caused damage. Chair Fornengo responded that the township has a policy of requesting reimbursement from the logging companies who do not leave township roads in the condition they were in before the logging was begun. In the past, the township has received compensation for road damage. (2) Ed Proffit inquired as to how much more pit run the township wants on Doyle Lane.
Meeting adjourn at 9PM
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk Also signed by the Chair_________________Date_____________