Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisor Jason Fornengo, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Beverly Carlin, Ron Mosser, Don Eddy, Don Mishler, Don Schirmer and Anthony J. Fornengo.
There was no public input.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Agenda. Carried.
Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the Minutes of June 13, 2018, with the correction that Claim 6907 was for reimbursement for “Cement” not “Gravel”. Carried.
Chair Fornengo read the resignation letter of Dave Baker. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to accept Supervisor Baker’s resignation. Carried.
Chair Fornengo asked if there were persons present who were interested in being appointed to serve the remainder of Supervisor Baker’s term. Ron Mosser, Beverly Carlin and Anthony Fornengo each indicated that they were interested in being appointed to fill the vacant seat on the Board. Clerk Levings said she had spoken with an attorney from the Minnesota Association of Townships who told her that the clerk would have to serve as a member of the Board for this meeting only to help with this appointment. She also told Clerk Levings that it is not illegal for a parent and child to both serve on the Town Board. Motion by Levings, second by Jason Fornengo, to appoint Beverly Carlin to fill the vacant term until the March election of 2019. Motion carried unanimously.
Chair Fornengo read the resignation letter of Lawn Mower Operator Wayne Hessler. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to accept this resignation. Carried. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to hire Don Eddy to be the Lawn Mower Operator at a rate of $25/hour with a Rental Equipment Lease for $50/month for August, September and October and $25/month for gas. Carried.
Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the Treasurer’s Report. She also presented a list of the monthly receipts and the Cash Control statement which balances with the Bank statement.
Northview Bank Interest- Checking Account $2.00
Northview Bank Interest-Savings Account .29
General $1796.40
Road & Bridge $16,837.41
Cemetery/Landscaping $3,172.85
Fire Protection $14,337.10
Fire Hall $125.45
Driveways $5,957.47
Savings $1,162.80
CDs $47,153.25
TOTAL $90,542.73
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List & the Net Payroll List for approval.
Claim # 6912 East Central Energy Electricity-July $49.00
Claim # 6913 Wayne Hessler Equipment Rental/Gas for mower $150.00
Claim # 6914 Fran Levings Mileage-3 trips $137.70
Claim # 6915 MN Ass’n-Townships 4 Town Manuals $40.00
Claim # 6916 Beverly Carlin Judge Training-Mileage $54.28
Claim # 6917 AT&T Mobility Telephone/Internet $96.89
Claim # 6918 Office Depot New Printer $322.11
Claim # 6919 US Treasury Taxes-2nd Qtr. $1,180.01
Dave Baker $60.00 Jason Fornengo $100.00
Beverly Carlin $110.00 Mandy Fornengo $120.00
Anthony J. Fornengo $900.00 Wayne Hessler $237.50
Dave Fornengo $125.00 Fran Levings $505.00
Clerk reported that someone has offered to buy the used printer, but under MN township rules, it must be put out on bids. Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Fornengo, to put the used printer out on “offers”. Carried.
Levings 3-year term on the North Pine Area Hospital District Board expires in December. She plans to file for re-election. No filing fee is required for this office.
There have been 2 reservations made for use of the town hall. (1) August 18- Starowoitow Family Get-Together (2) August 25/26 –Hessler, Mishler Get-Together
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to appoint Don Schirmer and Dave Baker to the New Dosey Planning Commission. Carried.
Washout on Rocky Blvd. Chair Fornengo reported that the Pine County engineer has been on vacation, so he has not been able to confer with him on this washout. He will also research financial aid in assisting with repair of this road.
Other Road Issues- Don Mishler inquired as to who had dumped gravel on McDermott Creek Rd. past Lydia Mishler’s former home. A landowner who has property on the so- called “Kirchberg Road” said the DNR dumped 10 loads of gravel on that road free of charge. Ron Mosser inquired about Craig Summerland doing road work for the township. Chair Fornengo said he did not receive a bid from Mr. Summerland by the deadline of 5pm on June 13, 2018.
NPAHD Report:
Levings reported that she had attended the MN Rural Health Care Conference in Duluth recently. She learned that the City of New Ulm underwent a 10-year program to improve the health of its citizens and were successful. She attended many small sessions at the Conference also and said it was a very worthwhile conference.
MAT Short Course Report- Levings attended this seminar in Duluth. She attended the section for Treasurers since the Clerk session was on elections and she has already gone through an election training with the Pine County Auditor. She learned that our township treasurer is doing everything correctly, but there were some pointers that would help her do even better.
Anything else to come before the Board?
Anthony Fornengo reported that roadside brushing went very well.
Ron Mosser asked about the possibility of the town hiring him to install the tire on Diana Stelmach’s driveway. Chair Fornengo said this job was on the 2018 Road Work Order for Roberts Excavating.
Don Schirmer suggested considering Miller Excavating for future road work.
Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, clerk
Also signed by the Chair _______________________ Date ______________