Meeting called to order at 8:15pm by Clerk Fran Levings.  Also present were Dave Baker, Marlene Mishler, Anthony J. Fornengo, Jason Fornengo, Ed Carlin, Don Mishler, Robin Fornengo and Beverly Carlin.  Clerk announced that the regular Board meeting for March would be held on March 18, not March 11.  She also encouraged everyone to have coffee & treats.

Head Judge Beverly Carlin read the results of the Board of Canvass.  Dave Fornengo, Mandy Fornengo and Fran Levings each received 12 votes for the respective offices of Supervisor (3-years), Treasurer (2 years) and Representative to the North Pine Area Hospital District.

Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin to have Anthony J. Fornengo serve as moderator.  Carried.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Robin Fornengo, to approve the agenda.  Carried.

Motion by John Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2014 Annual Meeting.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the minutes of the Board of Review meeting on April 7, 2014.  Carried.

Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Robin Fornengo, to approve the minutes of the Special Town Meeting on April j28, 2014.  Carried.

Motion by Robin Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to approve the minutes of the Special Town Meeting on October 18, 2014. Carried.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Robin Fornengo, to approve the minutes of the public hearing held on February 7. 2015.  Carried.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Marlene Mishler, to approve the minutes of the Board of Audit on February 11, 2015.  Carried.

Clerk Levings presented the Annual Treasurer’s Report. Fund Balanaces were: General Fund- $5544.65, Road & Bridge Fund- $6755.97, Cemetery/Landscaping Fund- $1292.70, Fire Protection Fund-$6319.94, Fire Hall Fund- $125.45, Savings Account-$1159.54, Driveways Fund-$4975.61 and CDs- $45046.88. Motion by Robin Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.

Vice-chair Dave Baker presented the Annual Chair’s Report.  He gave an overall view of the Red Maple Lane project, mentioned the purchase of a new pickup truck and distributed copies of the 2014 Road Work Order that was completed by  contractors Ed Profitt and Todd Elliot.  Motion by Robin Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to accept the Chair’s report.  Carried.

Clerk Levings presented the Annual Clerk’s report. She presented the 2015 Budget as approved by the Town Board on February 11th.   Motion by Robin Fornengo, second by Anthony J. Fornengo, to approve the 2015 budget. Carried. Motion by Robin Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to raise the price of a cemetery lot (8 graves) from $400 to $500.  Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Anthony J. Fornengo, to NOT change the tax levy.  Carried.

Zoning Administrator Fran Levings presented the Zoning report.  A township Sub-Surface Sewage System was passed in February and recorded in the Pine County Recorders office.  Our township issued 11 Land Use permits in 2014.  Motion by Robin Fornengo, second by Beverly Carlin, to accept the Zoning report.  Carried.

Fran Levings, representative to the North Pine Area Hospital District, presented a report  on that agency.  Construction on the new Health Care Campus will begin this fall.  Motion by Anthony J. Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo,  to accept the NPAHD report.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Anthony J. Fornengo, to authorize the  following pay raises as recommend by the Town Board:  Town Chair raise from $75 to $125/meeting, Clerk raise from $100 to $125/meeting, Treasurer raise from $95 to $100/meeting, Election Judges raise from $11 to $20/hour, and to begin paying office/clerical  work, NPAHD representative, SSTS Administrators, and Housekeeper $20/hour.  Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Beverly Carlin, to NOT make any changes to the Plowing Private Drives policy. Carried.

Motion by Beverly Carlin, second by Anthony J. Fornengo, to authorize $250 each to Family Pathways, Seven-County Seniors, the Old School Arts Center and the Pine County Historical Society for a contract for services  for 1 year.  Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Ed Carlin, to renew our 1-year contract with the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department for a fee of $4500.00.  Carried.

Motion by  Fran Levings, second by Beverly Carlin, to continue banking with Northview Bank. Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Beverly Carlin, to continue filing all legal notices with the Pine County Courier.  Carried.

Motion by Fran Levings, second by Beverly Carlin , to set the date for the next annual meeting for the 2nd Tuesday in March, 2015. Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Anthony J. Fornengo, to adjourn the meeting. Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the Moderator _______________________________
