Meeting called to order at 7:45pm by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were Supervisors Jason Fornengo and Dave Baker, Treasurer Mandy Fornengo and Clerk Fran Levings.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Agenda. Carried.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2015 meeting of the Board. Carried.
Treasurer Mandy Fornengo presented the Treasurer’s Report (Attached to file copy of these minutes)
- General Fund- $5544.65
- Road & Bridge Fund-$6795.
- Cemetery/Landscaping Fund- $1292.70
- Fire Protection Fund- $6319.94
- Fire Hall Fund- $125.45
- Savings Account- $1159.83
- Driveways Fund- $4975.61
- CDs- $45046.88
- TOTAL MONIES- $71221.03
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Jason Fornengo, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List & the Net Payroll list for approval (attached to file copy of these minutes). Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to pay these bills. Carriedl
- Dates to remember- March 28- Pine County Township Officers Meeting- Hinckley-9am April 3- MAT Short Course- Carlton- 9am, April 7- Board of Review- 11am- Town Hall.
- East Central Energy has increased their rates (attached).
- Letter for State Representative Jason Rarick offering to attend a town board meeting during the summer.
- Wetlands Training- March 23- Sandstone- 1pm.
- Distributed copies of duties of the SSTS coordinator. Consensus was the Dave Fornengo would be the administrator with support for the other 2 supervisors
- Chair Fornengo explained the 3 options offered for Internet Connectivity and consensus was to select Option 3- a land line phone with internet connection. He will pick up the devices & install them in the town hall.
- April 11 was selected as the date for the annual road review. Supervisors will meet at the town hall at 8am.
- Motion by Jason Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to hire Mandy Fornengo, as the Town Hall Housekeeper at a rate of $20/hour. Carried
- Chair Fornengo announced that he has invited Pauline Amundson to speak on Emergency Preparedness at the April Town Board meeting.
- Meeting Reports- NPAHD by Fran Levings and Dave Fornengo, Mr. Fornengo said that the board had received a lengthy letter from the District explaining its position on the criticisms of the city of Hinckley. A list of all representatives to the District Board was included. Levings distributed copies of the draft of the Health Care Campus.
- Letter from East Central Energy explaining their upcoming roadside brushing plan.
- Letter from a Telecom Company requesting a copy of any permit application needed in order for them to do work in our township. Clerk Levings will respond to the letter.
Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm.
Respectfully submitted, Fran Levings Clerk
Also signed by the Chair ___________________________ Date ________________________