anastasia lux

New solar panels at New Dosey Township Town Hall added October 2011

Little Library for Cloverton
Weekenders Carole and Ron Hessler built this adorable Little Library for Cloverton. People can leave a book, then take a book to read.




Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by vice-chair Dave Baker.  Also present were Supervisor Don Mishler, Treasurer Vicki Elliott, Clerk Fran Levings, and Jared Behm, plow truck driver.  Absent was Chair Dave Fornengo.

Motion by Don Mishler, second by Dave Baker, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 14, 2009, as printed.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented by Treasurer Vicki Elliott.  (Copy attached to file copy of these minutes).  Carried.  Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to transfer $7000.00 from the Road & Bridge Fund to the General Fund.  Carried.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to pay the Claims and Payroll as presented by Clerk Fran Levings.  Carried.


  1. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to approve the Clerk’s appointment of the following election judges for the township election in March: Vicki Elliott, Head Judge, Marlene Mishler and Peggy Coveau.  Dennis Sherman will be asked if a substitute is needed.  Carried.
  2. The annual audit of the clerk and treasurer financial records for 2009 will be held prior to the February meeting at 7:15 p.m.
  3. The clerk and treasurer will present a tentative 2010 budget to the supervisors for review at the February meeting.
  4. Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to purchase a mailbox to be posted by the town hall door.  Carried.  This mailbox will NOT be used for mail delivery, but for dropping off documents, etc. for the clerk.
  5. Clerk showed the Board what to do if the power is shut off or a power outage occurs and the new power device is making a noise.
  6. Don Mishler will do some makeshift weather stripping by the handicapped entrance.
  7. Clerk was notified of another “pauper” burial in the Cloverton Cemetery.  The deceased was from Minneapolis and the burial was handled by Methven Funeral Home.
  8. Clerk returned a form to the Pine County Auditor saying that the township has no indebtedness.


  1. Clerk reported to the US Census Bureau that the township issued one permit for residential construction in 2009.


  1. Don Mishler and Dave Baker will be attending the Soil & Water Meeting in Hinckley on January 30, 2010.  Dave Fornengo may attend also.
  2. Discussion was held to process the first snow removal endeavor of the township for this winter.  Vice-chair Baker said he wanted to compliment and thank the workers- Jason Fornengo, Todd Elliott and Jared Behm- for their hard work.  He reported on the following calls- (1)  Caller recommended doing 2 plows instead of one when the snow fall is on-going.  The Board will consider doing this. (2) Caller wants his mailbox plowed out.  The Board said it is not responsible for this and cannot afford to plow out every mailbox and clean up every driveway that may be left with snow at the end of it. (3) Caller inquired as to when her mother would be plowed out (4) Plow truck knocked over an electric pole and a bee hive near it.  Clerk called the owner and asked him to let the Board know if damages should be paid.  (5) Caller said that 2 mailboxes had been knocked over.  He would replace his.  Township offered to reimburse him.  (6)  Caller inquired as to why the town site roads in Kingsdale had not been plowed. Grader driver went the next day after this call and plowed these roads.
  1. Chair Fornengo had sent a note to the meeting saying that he has gotten no further information on the Alternative Energy Grant. Since the application itself is 49pp. long, he has not had time to respond to it.



  1. Chair Fornengo had sent a letter from Kinship in Sandstone requesting financial and volunteer support.  Clerk said she will put this request before the Annual Meeting in March.
  2. Vicki Elliott reported that she had learned that over 50 logging trucks per day will be using Pine County Highway 32 in the next few months.

Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the Chair _______________________  Date signed _______________

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