David Baker March 2010 Featured Resident

From living frugally in the woods to being an investor in the stock market, Dave Baker is a person of many contradictions.  He has lived in New Dosey Township for 38 years now and has definitely left a footprint.

David Roswell Baker was born on April 22, 1943, in Minneapolis, to Roswell and Vera Baker.  He attended Catholic schools for all grades- 1st through 12th.  Dave has one brother, Don, who was adopted when Dave was one.  After graduating from high school, Dave attended the Minneapolis College of Art & Design.  He graduated in 1966 and was accepted into the Fine Arts program at Yale University in New Haven, CT.  After getting a Masters of Fine Arts, he went to work as an art and architecture instructor at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.

Dave taught at this school for 3 years, then, having purchased property in our township, moved up in the summer of 1972.  He put up a tepee and with the help of Bob Brewster, who moved up with him, built a one-room cabin, using hand tools and wood from his land.  He lives in that home today, but has added several rooms onto it in the past 3 decades. He has always lived off the electrical grid.

In addition to trying to make and sell his art work, Dave has worked at several different jobs.  The Markville and St. Paul post offices employed him for many years.  He has also worked as an art instructor at the Federal Prisons, both in Duluth and Sandstone.   Dave also worked part time as a veterinarian’s assistant for many years. He is currently working as a fulltime artist out of his home. His work is placed in the Port Wing Gallery on the south shore of Lake Superior and in the Cabin Fever Gallery in Danbury, Wisconsin. He has entered pieces in both the Minnesota State Fair and the East Central Regional Art Show and has won many awards.

Dave married Deborah Hanson in 1977 and they were divorced in 1990.  In 1996, he married Fran Levings whom he had met via mutual friends.  He has 3 children- Sara, 36, (Los Angeles) from a former relationship, Leda, 32, (Minnetonka) and Nic, 28, (Philadelphia) from his first marriage.

Having been elected as the township clerk in 1990, he has served on our town board for 20 years.  He is currently a supervisor. He and Fran continue to enjoy their “back to basics” lifestyle in the woods off Squib Creek Drive.