Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chair Dave Fornengo.  Also present were Supervisors Wes Cemenski and Dave Baker, Treasurer Margaret Coveau, Clerk Fran Levings, Deputy Clerk Robin Fornengo, Todd Elliott, Don Eddy and Ed Proffit.

Motion by Dave Baker, second by Wes Cemenski, to approve the May 11, 2011, minutes as printed.  Carried.

Treasurer Margaret Coveau presented the Treasurer’s Report.  (Attached to file copy of these minutes).  Fund balances are: General Fund ($771.75), Road & Bridge Fund-$8235.58, Cemetery/Landscaping Fund- $866.39, Fire Protection Fund-$222.00, Fire Hall Fund-$125.45, Cartway Fund- $28.41, Savings Account-$7133.97 and CDs-$50867.43.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and Net Payroll List for approval  (Attached to file copy of these minutes).  Motion by Wes Cemenski, second by Dave Fornengo, to pay these bills.  Carried.


  1. Distributed a road sign inventory list.  Chair Fornengo is researching the method of compliance for the Sign Reflectivity Mandate.
  2. The clerk and deputy clerk will be attending the MAT short course in Carlton, MN, on June 30th.
  3. Clerk asked for clarification as to whether the lawnmowing job was to be paid via wages or contract.  Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to have mowing paid by contract at a rate of $55 f or the town hall grounds and $65 for the cemetery.  Carried.
  4. The “Perpetual Care” fund for the cemetery had donations totaling $315.00 for this year.


  1. Land Use Permit # 83 was granted to William Harris for the purpose of moving a mobile home onto his property.  The question of a proper setback amount was raised and the Clerk will to the necessary measuring to determine if Mr. Harris needs to move the mobile home back further from the county road.


  1. Motion by Wes Cemenski, second by Dave Baker to approve the Road Work Order for 2011.  The work was then divided up and assigned to contractors Todd Elliott and Ed Proffit.
  2. Cartway Update-  Dave Baker reported that he, Robin Poppe (Pine County Soil & Water District representative) and Mike Kohn (Wetlands Mitigator specialist) walked the proposed cartway route on June 14th.  The next step is formal approval by the Pine County Soil & Water District.
  3. Matt Lourey Trail Project-  Dave Baker reported that he, Greg Beck (Pine County Forester), and Joe Alberio (Trail & Waterways specialist) will do a walk-through on June 20th to prepare for the work to be done.
  4. Discussion of the Alternative Energy Project was held over to the next meeting.
  5. Wes Cemenski reported that he had done repair work on 2 properties damaged during snow plowing.  Ed Proffit said he would repair a 3rd property.


  1. Consensus was to leave the Town Rental Policy as it it.  The fee is $25 for individuals and no fee for  community groups.
  2. 2. Dave Baker will attend the Soil & Water meeting in Hinckley on June 25th.
  3. 3. A request had been made by one of the housekeepers for a new kitchen sink to be purchased by the township.  Consensus of the Board was to not do so at this time.
  4. 4. Discussion of letter for County Forester Greg Beck regarding an exchange of state and county land in New Dosey Township.
  5. 5. Letter from Robin Poppe, Pine County & Water District, offering to speak at any upcoming town meetings.


Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Fran Levings, Clerk


Also signed by the Chair ______________________________ Date ________________