Board of Review and Equalization, April 14, 2008


Meeting called to order at 1 p.m. by vice-chair Dave Baker. Also present were supervisor Don Mishler, clerk Fran Levings, town assessor Bob Brewster, Pine County Staff appraiser Larry Veldhouse, and 4 property owners.

1. Cheryl Gysbers- R20.0215.002 (Property across from Al Holter). She questioned the evaluation increase of $5000.00 when the structure is in bad shape. Bob Brewster said he put the quality of the cabin at minimum in a range of Superior, Above Average, Average, Below Average, and Minimum. Mr. Veldhouse said the drop in evaluation of $10,000 from 2006 to 2007 was too high, thus the evaluation was raised back up by $5,000. The drop in evaluation was with the idea that Mr. Brewster would take a look at it and see what it should be. Ms. Gysbers also inquired as to whether the fire department could burn the cabin down. Dave Baker said the Gysbers would have to get a permit to do so.

2. Leland Magnuson- R20.5081.00 (Part of 12 lots in the townsite) He said the value of these lots is set too high. They are not buildable lots. Bob Brewster said it is difficult to set a price for a lot. He found comparable lots in Arna Township and assigned that value to all lots- $500/lot. Mr. Magnuson said he thought $100/lot would be more reasonable. R20.0284.000 Questioned why evaluation went to $26,900.00 Bob Brewster said structure was valued at $400.00 The rest is land evaluation. Mr. Magnuson said there was no well, no electricity and no sewer.

3. Jim Montzke- R20.0376.000. Questioned being taxed on a building he did not have. Mr. Veldhouse explained that they learned that the 2nd structure was not on Mr. Montzke’s land and had removed it from the rolls.

4. Jim Berglund- R20.0362.000 (On L. off Ennerstrom Road) Said his evaluation is too high because he doesn’t have legal access. He accesses his property via his son’s property. The reason for the high evaluation given by Bob Brewster is that the Tamarack River runs through his property and that increases the value. Bob Brewster said he agrees that 40 landlocked acres set at $63.700.00 is too high, but the river makes it so.


1. Ms. Gysbers: The 2 assessors will accompany Ms. Gysbers to the site and make a determination after seeing the structure.

2. Mr. Magnuson: The 2 assessors suggested lowering the site amenity on the schoolhouse by ½ because the schoolhouse is a detriment on the property. The reduction would be approximately the cost of demolition. Mr. Brewster expressed discomfort with this idea because other property owners may have detriments on their land and could now come forward seeking redress. Recommendation was to reduce the building site by ¼ on R20.0284.000 and lower the lot evaluation of $500/lot to $300/lot on all lots in the township.

3. Mr. Montzka: His concern is moot because the 2nd structure has been removed from his property rolls.

4. Mr. Berglund: The assessors agreed with Mr. Berglund that the evaluation including the Tamarack River is too high, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Discussion between Mr. Brewster and Dave Baker regarding the fact that the Jerry Hanson parcel R20.0059.000 does not have access and assessment records claim that it does have access.

Motion by Don Mishler, second by Dave Baker, to accept the recommendations of the assessors. Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Levings, Clerk

Also signed by the vice-chair __________________

Date signed ____________________________