Because Oct. 12th is a federal holiday, the next meeting of the New Dosey Town Board will be Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. in the town hall.
Because Oct. 12th is a federal holiday, the next meeting of the New Dosey Town Board will be Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. in the town hall.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m by chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were supervisors Don Mishler and Dave Baker, treasurer Vicki Elliott, and clerk Fran Levings.
Present in the audience were Al Wolf, Glen Williamson, and Todd Elliott.
Special guest Glen Williamson demonstrated the township web page he has set up. It will be located under Motion by Dave Baker, second by Dave Fornengo, to approve the following “bullet points” as suggested by the clerk- Featured Resident, copy of Land Use Ordinance, 2008 meeting schedule, any current public notices, cemetery information, monthly minutes(will go in as UNAPPROVED until the next meeting), township leadership roles, list of contractors, employees and professional services, newspapers used for public notices, information on plowing private driveway policy, and how to obtain a refund for taxes on more than one parcel for solid waste pickup. It will be the responsibility of the clerk to keep all information as current as possible. Carried. Vicki Elliott volunteered to write a “History of New Dosey Township” for the web page
Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2007, as printed. Carried.
Treasurer Vicki Elliott presented the treasurer’s report. (Attached to Clerk’s printed copy) . Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to approve the report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and the Net Payroll list for approval.(Attached to Clerk’s printed copy). Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to pay these bills.
1. Filing dates for March election are Jan. 1-Jan. 15,by 5 p.m., 2008, for the offices of clerk ( 2-year term) and supervisor (3-year term).
2. Clerk had a conversation with a woman inquiring about “green”cemeteries. This means no embalming, no coffin, and no marker. Clerk called Nate at Methven Funeral Home in Sandstone. He said the main regulation for them was that the body must be handled with “dignity” until its final disposition- burial or cremation. Also a licensed funeral home must see the process through until its final disposition. The 3 criteria that require embalming are (1) if a pubic viewing is held (2) if a burial is not going to occur within 72 hours and (3) for airline transportation. Precedent was set in the Cloverton Cemetery with the burial of John Dant in a “green” process.
3. LUCA ( Local Update of Census Addresses) project- Clerk received the materials and found them intimidating and daunting. Motion by Don Mishler, second, by Dave Baker, to authorize the clerk to attend a LUCA training sponsored by the MN Ass’n of Townships. Carried.
4. The new blood pressure monitor is now at the town hall.
1. Interim zoning administrator sent a copy of the Land Use Ordinance to the Pine County Law Library.
2. Have not yet received a application for a variance from Larry Paron.
1. Todd Elliott reported that all of the proposed road work for 2007 had been completed. The board signed a completion report to be filed in the records.
2. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to increase our insurance coverage to the following rates-
Town Hall $80,000; Garage/Fire Hall $50,000
1. Discussion of road certification which centered on what made a road a regular township road and what made one a minimum-maintenance road. Consensus was to leave all minimum-maintenance signs up even if the township does keep a road open for at least 8 months of the year and collect the gas tax monies. The reasons for keeping the signs up were because the roads are used by loggers, people will drive more slowly and safely with signs up, and liablility concerns would be more easily addressed with the signs up.
1. Dave Baker reported on another phone call from the property owner on the Munger Trail seeking information on the possibility of the township doing work on the trail. Said he explained the process- that it must be put before the town electors before any work can be done on the trail as the township has not worked on it for over 25 years. If it ever gets opened as a road again, Dave Baker will call the Trail & Waterways office asking for help in defraying any expenses.
2. Don Mishler, board representative to the Joint Powers Board of the Tri-Township Disposal District, reported that he had told the Joint Powers Board to check the legality of any program to refund money to townships.
3. Discussion of Plowing Private Driveways policy- Vicki Elliott distributed copies of 4 township snowplowing policies. Said more are available on the Internet. Expenses this year are already exceeding receipts due to the breakdown of the snow truck. Driver Todd Elliott said it takes about 45 minutes to plow an average driveway. Dave Fornengo said he will get policies from other townships. The board will try to have a draft resolution ready to present to the electors at the annual meeting in March. Discussion will be continued at the January meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m ____________________________ Clerk