Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Dave Fornengo. Also present were
Supervisors Don Mishler and Dave Baker, Treasurer Vicki Elliott and Clerk Fran Levings.
Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 9, 2009, as printed. Carried.
Treasurer Vicki Elliott presented the Treasurer’s Report. (Attached to file copy of these minutes). November receipts were: MN State Aid-$132.19, Doug Ohlrogge-Land Use Permit-$25.00, 2nd ½ of property taxes-$6553.19, Interest-$12.44 and Reimbursement from Duxbury Fire Department for gas-$30.00. FUND BALANCES: General Fund-$2243.22, Road & Bridge Fund-$21,511.73, Cemetery Fund-$247.77, Fire Protection Fund- $108.34, Fire Hall Fund-$309.07, Proffit-Hanson Cartway-$1428.41 and Savings Account-$7,000.00. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Don Mishler, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
Clerk Fran Levings presented the Claims List and Net Payroll for approval. (Attached to file copy of these minutes). Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker, to pay these bills. Carried.
- The new desktop computer is up and running. With the exception of the Filing for Office notices, nothing was put on the Website for December.
- The IRS mileage reimbursement rate is now .53/mile. Motion by Dave Fornengo, second by Dave Baker to raise the township mileage rate to .53/mile beginning in January, 2009.
- Letter received from Diane Steen, granddaughter of Gustav Ristrom, Jr. that the family has purchased a marker for Mr. Ristrom’s grave and it will be installed by Memorial Day-2010.
1 .Letters were sent to 3 property owners requesting that they complete an application for a Land Use Permit and send it with a check to the township.
2. Letter sent to Karel Properties informing them that the township requires permits is they should do any development. Clerk received a phone call from Dave Karel that they may construct a pole barn in the summer of 2010.
- All 3 supervisors indicated an interest in attending a Soil & Water District meeting in Hinckley on January 30, 2010.
- Motion by Dave Baker, second by Don Mishler, to sign the completed road work order for 2010. This order will be filed with the Clerk.
- Chair Fornengo had done extensive research on the issue of having logging companies post a bond before logging in the township. He presented copies of the policies used by Wilma and Arna Townships. Clerk Levings distributed copies of timber sales by the county. Chair Fornengo will ask Bill Foss, State Forester, for a copy of state timber sales in our township. Consensus of the Board was to not ask for bond postings at this time. The township will deal with any concerns as they arise.
- Supervisor Dave Baker that he had spoken with Kent Solum, attorney with the MN Associaton of Townships and learned that our proposed legislation regarding cartways was going to be pursued in the State Legislation again in 2010.
- Chair Fornengo and Clerk Levings had each received information of a grant that Pine County is applying for via Lake & Pines to refurbish homes for low-income residents. Pine County is asking the townships to sign in support of their application. The Board did so.
- Chair Fornengo announced an upcoming Boundary & Annexation workshop. He also said that he will continue to look into an Energy Conservation Block Grant.
Meeting adjourned at 9:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Levings, Clerk ________________________________
Also signed by the Chair___________________Date signed _______________